We NEED your TABS…Tomorrow!!!
Our divisionwide contest ends Friday, April 26!
Please spread the word and drop your tabs off at your child’s school (or any Powhatan school)!
The Ronald McDonald House thanks you, and so do we.
(photo courtesy of Ronald McDonald House)

Mr. Settle's seventh grade U.S. History students at Powhatan Middle School participated in a West Front project as part of their World War I unit. The students wrote letters "home" from a real soldier who served in the war from Powhatan County, by including lessons from the class to describe the life of a soldier in World War I. The students learned what it was like to live in the trenches of World War I, and how events from across the world affected those who came from Powhatan. After the project, the students were able to learn if their soldier survived the war or not. #wearepcps #teampowhatan

Offering a huge congratulations to Powhatan High School Class of 2017 alumnus and current Signal Knob Middle School agricultural education teacher and FFA advisor Dakota Stroud. Earlier this month, Mr. Stroud was awarded the 2024 Virginia Association of Agricultural Educators (VAAE) “Teachers Turn the Key” scholarship. The Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship Program was created in 2003 by the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) to combat the teacher shortage in agricultural education and to encourage young agricultural teachers to remain in the profession. PCPS reached out to Mr. Stroud, who is in his third year of teaching, to congratulate him and ask him how Powhatan played a role in his path to becoming an ag teacher. He said, “The classes that influenced me began in 7th grade at Powhatan Junior High and taking Agriscience exploration with Mr. Henry Paris. This continued into the high school, where I continued to expand my skills and interests taking many different agriculture classes ranging from Veterinary Science to Horticulture with Caitlin Smith, Ed Olsen, and Chris Whitlow. In addition to these courses, I took Culinary Arts, Teachers for Tomorrow, and many more Career and Technical Education Classes.”
With April being Virginia School Boards Association #WorkforceReadinessMonth, we are happy to highlight how workforce development opportunities can enable students to find what they are passionate about and to be prepared to succeed.
#wearepcps #teampowhatan #teachag @visitpowhatanva #SignalKnobMiddleSchoolFFA Shenandoah County Public Schools

National Administrative Professionals' Day recognizes the professionals who keep an office running smoothly every day. With all of the activity going on in our five schools, Transportation Facility, and the Pocahontas Landmark Center, Powhatan County Public Schools couldn’t do all we do without the support of these amazing staff members. Please join us in showing our appreciation for the work they do to support our students, staff, and families. #wearepcps #teampowhatan

Powhatan County Public Schools follows the Virginia Department of Health's Minimum Immunization Requirements (02/21). The Health Department has posted this information at https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/immunization/requirements/.

It’s time to crunch some numbers! Mrs. McComb and Mrs. Ligatti turned snacks into solutions when they recently covered Circumference and Area of Circles in their sixth-grade math class at Powhatan Middle School. Students derived Pi by measuring the circumference and diameters of cookies, rice cakes, and crackers using Twizzlers. Mrs. McComb said they were so engaged and got a full understanding of why we use Pi when calculating these measurements of circles. #wearepcps #teampowhatan

Reminder: We are only a few hours away from welcoming the families of the Class of 2037 for a Rising Kindergarten Parent Information Night. We invite you to equip yourself with the knowledge to help your child succeed at the information meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, April 17 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Flat Rock Elementary School. Presentations will focus on: What to expect in kindergarten, how to prepare your kindergartener over the summer, helping your child work through big emotions, and community resources for family support. #wearepcps #teampowhatan

Pocahontas Elementary’s Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Altizer were recently named the first recipients of the Instructional Technology Team’s new Innovative Learning Shout Out award for their work designing instruction to develop creative communicators. For a culminating activity, students acted as historians to research a notable figure from the Civil War era and write a mini-biography. The students used their knowledge of the person and era to create a book cover. They designed the book cover using Canva design tools and practiced being artificial intelligence (AI) prompt engineers to create unique images. Congratulations to these awesome educators! #wearepcps #teampowhatan #elevateeducatorsva

In March, each PCPS elementary school sent two young competitors to participate in the Future Chefs Culinary Challenge. Students had to submit a recipe and be chosen to compete in the live competition held at Powhatan High School. With the help of assigned assistants, the students prepared their dishes and presented them to a panel of judges for consideration. All of the students did an amazing job. Congratulations to:
• Quinn Ellis – First Place
• Pierce Ward – Second Place
• Lanie Jastram – Third Place
• Charlotte Smith – Best Decorated Hat contest winner
• Charlotte Smith, Holden Cooper, and Levi Luck – Chef Finalists
Special thanks to:
• Judges: Vicki Hurt, Susan Smith, Jeanne Wade, James Taylor, Michele Ward, Beth Teigen, Mark Robertson, and student judge Lea Butler.
• Sodexo Chef Helpers: Mary Smith from Powhatan Elementary; Suzanne Johnson, manager at Flat Rock Elementary; and Shawna Highsmith, manager at Pocahontas Elementary.
• Student Chef Helpers: Abbie Mills, Jackson Roop, and Kenley Dalton
• All of the staff of Powhatan High School’s food service team who also lent a hand: cafeteria manager Ashley Sharp, Sharon Brown, Chakita Langhorne, Kristy Hall, Jessie Wheless, and Donna Stewart.
#wearepcps #teampowhatan #SDXFutureChefs

The Powhatan Education Foundation (PEF) presents its 8th annual Golf Tournament on June 6, 2024, at Mill Quarter Plantation Golf Course. Shotgun start is at noon. Proceeds benefit Powhatan schools. Register now at PEF’s website, which can be found in the first comment. #wearepcps #teampowhatan

Each year, the Powhatan Education Foundation (PEF) awards Innovative Classroom Grants that present ideas for achieving the county’s curricular goals, enhancing students’ personal development, and/or encouraging links with the community. This year, PEF fully or partially funded six grants for a total investment of $16,146.28, and we have been highlighting how those projects are going. Next up is a grant that purchased an upgraded 3D printer for the engineering classroom, which was submitted by Marcellus Beasley, Cody Seibel, and Elaina Buczkowski. With its increased speed, more students division-wide can use this upgraded 3D printer. With the higher quality and ability to print with a wider range of filament types, students in grades 4-12 will build better parts for their projects with the capability to create, print, and revise their designs as quickly as a single class period (PHS) or a single day in summer camp. Shown here, a student talks about using the 3D printer (in the back) to print parts for SPEAR Robotics Club’s competition robot. #wearepcps #teampowhatan

Powhatan County Public Schools is now hiring! The 2024-2025 instructional openings include: Middle School Math, Computer Technology, Foreign Language, CTE – Welding, Elementary, Special Education, Secondary Math, and Secondary English. The non-instructional openings include Instructional Assistants and Bus Drivers. Contact Human Resources for more information: (804) 598-5700. The link for current job openings is in the first comment. Join PCPS where your career, family, and community come together.

Powhatan County Public Schools is now hiring! The 2024-2025 instructional openings include: Middle School Math, Computer Technology, Foreign Language, CTE – Welding, Elementary, Special Education, Secondary Math, and Secondary English. The non-instructional openings include Instructional Assistants and Bus Drivers. Contact Human Resources for more information: (804) 598-5700. The link for current job openings is in the first comment. Join PCPS where your career, family, and community come together.

Because of spring break, we missed the opportunity to recognize the division’s amazing assistant principals as part of National Assistant Principals Week (April 1-5, 2024). So, we wanted to take a moment to fix that by highlighting the awesome men and women who help lead our schools and keep them running well so we can educate and help our students grow. Thank you for all you do!
Flat Rock Elementary School: Meghan Ellis
Pocahontas Elementary School: Amanda Johnson
Powhatan Elementary School: Karen Gobble
Powhatan Middle School: Chris Pearson, Kevin Socha, and Heather Storrie
Powhatan High School: Aaron Boughner, Alecia Clements, Kami Louth, and Courtney Talbott
#wearepcps #teampowhatan

Save the date! Prepare for an incredible evening featuring the Powhatan High School JV and Varsity Winter Guard performances on Tuesday, April 16 at 6 p.m. in the Powhatan High School gymnasium. Come watch and support our Varsity Indoor Drumline as they gear up for the WGI Sport of the Arts -2024 Percussion World Championships in Dayton, Ohio! #wearepcps #teampowhatan #WinterGuard #IndoorDrumline #WGI2024 #DaytonOhio #PHSProud #PHSBandBoosters

Because of spring break, we missed the opportunity to recognize the division’s wonderful library staff when National School Librarian Day fell on April 4. We want to rectify that now by recognizing the amazing men and women who keep our school libraries organized and provide the fun, creative, and educational environments that nurture our students. Thank you all!
Flat Rock Elementary School: Kelly Terry and Rosanne Rini
Pocahontas Elementary School: Tiffany Ray and Kathy Duty
Powhatan Elementary School: Michelle Ball and Mary Jones
Powhatan Middle School: Bucky Webb and Julie Benkovitz
Powhatan High School: Paul Smartschan

Red Rover, Red Rover, let the Class of 2037 come over! Kindergarten registration kicks off on Thursday, April 11, and we are thrilled to meet our future students. Appointments will be held April 11 and 12 at your rising kindergartner’s future elementary school. We are asking for your help in reminding anyone with a child that will be age 5 by September 30, 2024, to begin enrolling now. This is a special time for schools to welcome their newest students. It is also important to get students screened and on the rosters as soon as possible to be better prepared for the start of the new school year.
In addition, the preschool (VPI/ Head Start) application process for children turning age 3 and 4 by September 30, 2024, is also now available online.
Check the Powhatan County Public Schools website for information or contact your local school with Kindergarten Registration or Preschool Application questions. We are so excited and cannot wait to get these students on the PCPS team! #wearepcps #teampowhatan

The Powhatan County School Board workshop and meeting will be held at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., respectively, on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at their regular location in the School Board Meeting Room at the Pocahontas Landmark Center, 4290 Anderson Highway. The room has a maximum capacity of 160 seated people. If the room reaches capacity, an overflow location has been arranged in the cafeteria of Pocahontas Elementary School, 4294 Anderson Highway, which has a 300-seat capacity. A video conference will be set up to allow people in the overflow space to view the entire meeting and speak during the designated public comment periods. The meeting will be live and archived on the school division’s YouTube channel.

Powhatan County Public Schools is ready to welcome the parents of the Class of 2037 for a Rising Kindergarten Parent Information Night. We invite you to equip yourself with the knowledge to help your child succeed at the information meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, April 17 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Flat Rock Elementary School. Presentations will focus on: What to expect in kindergarten, how to prepare your kindergartener over the summer, helping your child work through big emotions, and community resources for family support. #wearepcps #teampowhatan

We know it's been everywhere, but we care about your eyes, so we are going to issue one more reminder ahead of today's eclipse about timing and staying safe: Today, parts of North America will be treated to a total solar eclipse! Although Powhatan won't be in the path of totality, we'll still get to enjoy around 86% coverage. PCPS will be celebrating the day with age-appropriate activities to help students understand the phenomenon. Rest assured, safety is our top priority, and we'll be providing proper eye protection and guidance on safe viewing practices for everyone involved. Peak coverage will be at 3:19 p.m. We ask for your patience as elementary school buses may be running slightly behind schedule. Secondary students will receive glasses they can bring home to safely view the eclipse. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when viewing the eclipse. #wearepcps #teampowhatan