School Info
School Hours
Doors open to students @ 7:35 am • Classes begin @ 7:50 am • Student Dismissal @ 2:30 pm • Office Hours are from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
Contact Us
Powhatan Middle School 4135 Old Buckingham Rd Powhatan, VA 23139 Phone: 804-362-2500 Fax: 804-598-2645
Attendance Number: 804-362-2500 x1114 • Attendance Email:
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Quick Updates:
A rise in illnesses related to the cold and flu season is upon us. Please review the school's exclusion policies. It is also recommended that student's not return to school until they are 24 hours fever free without medication and are free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hrs.
Outside food from restaurants may not be dropped off for students during the school day. Additionally, while students are permitted to carry a water bottle, only water may be consumed in classrooms.
School Property - We are seeing a rise in some students pushing boundaries and damaging school property, bathrooms, and chromebooks. Please work with your student to remind them that any damage to PCPS property can result in consequences as outlined in our PCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities. We ask our students to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible at all times.
Lost & Found - Please have your students check our Lost & Found for any missing items.
All items left unclaimed at the end of the day on Friday, April 28th will be donated.
Top 10 Proven Actions To Ensure Your Student Is Ready To Soar!
Powhatan County Housing Needs Survey
Your voice matters! PCPS encourages our staff and families to take the Powhatan County Housing Needs Survey to help guide important decisions for our community—and our schools.
This anonymous survey, led by a local steering committee, will help guide important decisions about housing in Powhatan. As a school division, we know how housing affects PCPS students and families. Your feedback will also help ensure our schools are prepared for the community’s needs.
Report Cards and Course Verification Forms
3rd 9 week report cards go home on Friday, 3/21 as well as course request verification forms for rising 7th and 8th grade students. Course verification forms are what your student has requested for classes, along with potential alternate courses.
Please note that these are not schedules and if you need to make changes to requests, or want to talk about the levels recommended, please reach out to your student’s counselor by Friday, March 28th.
Gilder Lehrman Hosts 2025 National History Teacher of the Year
The Gilder Lehrman program recognizes excellence in the teaching of history at the Kindergarten – Grade 12 level. Each year, thousands of teachers are nominated by students, parents, fellow teachers, and community members, shining a light on the important work they do. Nominations for any eligible Kindergarten – Grade 12 teacher are due April 30, 2025, and must be submitted on the Gilder Lehrman website.
Nominators are asked to provide contact information for themselves and information about the nominee, including a short statement about why the nominee should be honored. Nominations can be made by any individual who is familiar with the teacher’s work, including students, parents of students, colleagues, etc. Nominated teachers receive an email notification with instructions on how to submit all materials to be considered for the State History Teacher of the Year.
State winners receive a $1,000 prize, an archive of classroom resources, and recognition at a ceremony in their state. Nominate an outstanding history teacher here.
Family Life Education
The Powhatan County School Board provides Family Life Education (FLE) based on the FLE Standards of Learning (SOL) and curriculum guidelines developed by the Board of Education. Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Please review the included letter for more information and reach out if you have any questions.
Rising Freshman Course Verification Forms
Parents of rising 9th graders, please be on the lookout for a paper copy of the course verification form. This would show you the courses your student selected as they transition to high school.
If you have any concerns, please reach out to the high school counseling coordinator,, or fill out this form by March 14 if you’d like to request any changes. (This form is only for Powhatan High School.)
Rising 7th Grade Immunizations
Per Virginia State Law, all rising 7th grade students must have received their Tdap vaccination and their Meningitis Conjugate vaccination before entering their 7th grade school year. (Please note that this is a state requirement.) Any student not receiving these vaccines and providing our school with documentation will not be allowed to attend school until proof of compliance is provided. Also, it is recommended by the Commonwealth of Virginia that students entering the 7th grade to have their Human Papillomavirus Vaccine as well.
Please see the VDH link in your email for Immunization Requirements for all K-12 students. Please make arrangements to have your student properly vaccinated and provide our school clinic with an updated immunization report as soon as possible so we can update their records to a compliant status before the 2025-2026 school year.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Vickie Maxey at (804)362-2500, ext. 1107 or Michelle Short, RN at (804)362-2500, ext. 1122.
Middle School Scheduling
Rising 7th and 8th grade students will choose their courses in early February. School counselors will go into classes to help assist students and a course request sheet will also come home for parents to look over with their students.
In the meantime, feel free to look at our Powhatan MS Scheduling Website to see courses offered at Powhatan Middle and view our proposed timeline. We want to make sure our parents are our partners in scheduling classes for your students.
More information is also available in our Rising 7th and 8th Future Planning presentation.
Ordering School Pictures
Parents still need to order pictures? Strawbridge’s NEW Code Lookup Tool is now available. Parents can simply scan the QR code and follow the directions to access their child's picture ordering gallery. No need to contact Strawbridge Customer Service for an access code! Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security.
Spring Sports
Powhatan Middle School offers baseball, softball, and track during the spring season. Click on the Spring Sports Information Flyer for tryouts information. If you have any further questions, please contact PMS Athletic Director, Bill Wasosky at
Spring Coaching Opportunities at PMS
We are currently in search of several coaching positions for the Spring. If you’re interested in coaching, or know someone who is, please consider applying via our division website. Reach out to our Athletic Director, Bill Wasosky, with any questions (
We are in need of the following positions:
SOFTBALL - Assistant coach
TRACK - Assistant coach
BASEBALL - Assistant coach