School Info
School Hours
Doors open to students @ 7:35 am • Classes begin @ 7:50 am • Student Dismissal @ 2:30 pm • Office Hours are from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
Contact Us
Powhatan Middle School 4135 Old Buckingham Rd Powhatan, VA 23139 Phone: 804-362-2500 Fax: 804-598-2645
Attendance Number: 804-362-2500 x1114 • Attendance Email:
What's Trending
🌟Quick Updates:
The PMS Winter Dance will be postponed until Friday, March 7 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be on sale until Wednesday, March 5th at 8:00 p.m. or until we sell out.
Please be sure to direct any questions about the PMS Winter Dance to
A rise in illnesses related to the cold and flu season is upon us. Please review the school's exclusion policies. It is also recommended that student's not return to school until they are 24 hours fever free without medication and are free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hrs.
Outside food from restaurants may not be dropped off for students during the school day. Additionally, while students are permitted to carry a water bottle, only water may be consumed in classrooms.
🌟2025-2026 Secondary Course Guide
🌟Rising 6th Grade Information
Unfortunately, the snow and ice caused PMS to cancel the rising 6th grade night with our families. Due to the pending weather forecast for next week, we recorded our presentation for our families. Our middle school counselors will be visiting elementary schools starting next week, so we wanted all families to have this information upfront.
Please view this recording to learn about classes, extracurricular activities, how to be a middle schooler, and more. We will also talk more about the scheduling process and how students pick classes in middle school.
Reach out to our counseling coordinator, Terry Baldwin ( or our principal, Colin Innes ( with any questions. If you'd like to learn more about the schedule, school, and potential classes, check out our Powhatan Middle School Scheduling Website.
🌟Girls on the Run
Powhatan Middle is excited to start a “Girls on the Run” program. “Girls on the Run” is a program to help every girl strengthen their mind, body and spirit through interactive lessons, physical activity, and team discussions on relevant topics. The season starts in early March.
More details will be shared soon. Check out more information here.
🌟Canned Food Drive
Please Join the Powhatan Leadership students and PMS FFA in supporting Food Pantries in Powhatan. Food Pantries provide food for over 300 people each month. We will be collecting canned goods from February 10th through February 21st in 1st block classes.
The items most needed are: Peanut Butter, Canned Meats, Tuna & Chicken, Canned Veggies, Canned Fruit, Spaghetti Sauce (NO Glass), Canned or Dry Beans, Hot & Cold Cereal and Whole Grain Snacks
Thank you for helping support our community!
🌟Shining Stars 2024-2025 School Year
This year, the Special Education Department will highlight students, staff, and parents who have supported our programs, instruction, and initiatives throughout the school year.
Each month, beginning in January, staff members, parents, and students can nominate a “Shining Star.” Each Shining Star recipient will receive a visit from our department with a “Star Award” and will be featured at the Shining Stars Awards ceremony.
Our SEAC Committee will be hosting our “Shining Stars” Awards Ceremony on March 10, 2025-PHS Auditorium
🌟Spring Pictures
Spring Picture Day is Thursday, February 20, 2025.
If you want your student’s picture taken, please sign them up on our Spring Picture Sign-Up form. You must also complete the Strawbridge form and send the form and payment in with your student on picture day, or go online to and enter the school code: FM459365.
We ask that all sign-ups are completed by Tuesday, February 18th.
Only students who have signed up through the form will be called to have their picture taken
🌟School Property
We are seeing a rise in some students pushing boundaries and damaging school property, bathrooms, and chromebooks. Please work with your student to remind them that any damage to PCPS property can result in consequences as outlined in our PCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities.
We ask our students to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible at all times.
🌟Lunch Buddies
If interested, PCPS is in need of a few more Lunch Buddies. If you are interested in participating as a mentor for the Lunch Buddies Program, we would be happy to have you! Please apply using the link here or reach out to for any questions.
🌟Rising 7th Grade Immunizations
Per Virginia State Law, all rising 7th grade students must have received their Tdap vaccination and their Meningitis Conjugate vaccination before entering their 7th grade school year. (Please note that this is a state requirement.) Any student not receiving these vaccines and providing our school with documentation will not be allowed to attend school until proof of compliance is provided. Also, it is recommended by the Commonwealth of Virginia that students entering the 7th grade to have their Human Papillomavirus Vaccine as well.
Please see the VDH link in your email for Immunization Requirements for all K-12 students. Please make arrangements to have your student properly vaccinated and provide our school clinic with an updated immunization report as soon as possible so we can update their records to a compliant status before the 2025-2026 school year.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Vickie Maxey at (804)362-2500, ext. 1107 or Michelle Short, RN at (804)362-2500, ext. 1122.
🌟Middle School Scheduling
Rising 7th and 8th grade students will choose their courses in early February. School counselors will go into classes to help assist students and a course request sheet will also come home for parents to look over with their students.
In the meantime, feel free to look at our Powhatan MS Scheduling Website to see courses offered at Powhatan Middle and view our proposed timeline. We want to make sure our parents are our partners in scheduling classes for your students.
More information is also available in our Rising 7th and 8th Future Planning presentation.
🌟Collecting Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charity
The five schools are participating in an aluminum can tab competition to benefit the local Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Richmond provides a "home away from home" for families traveling to the Richmond area while their children receive medical treatment in local hospitals. By collecting the pop tops from aluminum cans, you can help us continue to carry out our mission of keeping families close. The competition will run from February 3 to April 10, 2025, and students can turn the tabs in to their 1st block teacher. The first block that collects the most tab weight, will win a prize. PMS Student Leadership will be helping with the collection for this worthy cause.
We are looking for student volunteers to help out with the annual PCPS STM Expo. This year's event will be Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 5-7 pm at PHS. The middle school volunteers will help plan, set up, and run some of the activities at the event. Please fill out this interest form if you would like to be one of our 2025 PMS STEM Innovators. Email or send a Schoology message to Dr. Donia Spott ( if you have any questions.
🌟Ordering School Pictures
Parents still need to order pictures? Strawbridge’s NEW Code Lookup Tool is now available. Parents can simply scan the QR code and follow the directions to access their child's picture ordering gallery. No need to contact Strawbridge Customer Service for an access code! Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security.
🌟Spring Sports
Powhatan Middle School offers baseball, softball, and track during the spring season. Click on the Spring Sports Information Flyer for tryouts information. If you have any further questions, please contact PMS Athletic Director, Bill Wasosky at
🌟Spring Coaching Opportunities at PMS
We are currently in search of several coaching positions for the Spring. If you’re interested in coaching, or know someone who is, please consider applying via our division website. Reach out to our Athletic Director, Bill Wasosky, with any questions (
We are in need of the following positions:
SOFTBALL - Assistant coach
TRACK - Assistant coach
BASEBALL - Assistant coach