Over the next few months, Powhatan County Public Schools will be spotlighting the awesome employees who joined our staff this year. Please join us in welcoming them to the PCPS family. #wearepcps #teampowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Photo of woman. Text that reads: Please Welcome New PCPS Employees. Kelly Sarkees. Comprehensive Intervention Specialist. About Me.  Hello! My name is Kelly Sarkees. I am so excited to be joining the Powhatan team. I came from Chesterfield County Public Schools. I love spending time with my family, which consists of my husband, my two sons and our Golden Retriever. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better. Have a wonderful day.  One of my favorite holidays is St. Patrick’s Day.  In my free time, I love to walk, go to the beach, travel, and learn how to do new things.
During her sixth grade Exploratory Art class at Powhatan Middle School, Miss Keys had students create travel posters, starting with a black and white first draft and then moving on to a color final draft. Students could choose a real destination, such as Glacier National Park or Japan, or a fictional location. #wearepcps #teampowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Two students smile at the camera while working on an art project.
Two students smile at the camera while working on an art project.
Two students work on an art project.
A student smiles at the camera while working on an art project.
Two students work on an art project.
A student works on an art project.
Two students work on an art project.
A student smiles at the camera while working on an art project.
A student shows his art project.
Powhatan County Public Schools has an amazing staff of IT professionals who keep thousands of devices going to help us educate our students. In honor of National IT Professionals Day, please join us in showing our appreciation to these wonderful men and women, some of whom are shown here. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A man smiles at the camera.
A man smiles at the camera.
A woman smiles at the camera.
A woman smiles at the camera.
A man smiles at the camera.
A woman smiles at the camera.
The Powhatan Education Foundation (PEF) recently spoke at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Powhatan to talk about the organization’s efforts to support Powhatan County Public Schools. PEF President Holly Smith talked about the foundation’s Classroom Innovation Grants, which allow teachers to apply for funds to provide additional lessons and activities for their students. Former grant recipients Kirsten Bentzen (PHS), Jessica Miller (PocES), and Bilal Z. Raychouni (PMS) talked about how they used funds to provide opportunities for their students. #wearepcps #teampowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Standing in a group photo are Don Smith, Kirsten Bentzen, Bilal Z. Raychouni, Holly Smith, Beth Teigen and Jessica Miller.
Kirsten Bentzen talks about how she used grant money for her classroom.
Holly Smith talks about the Powhatan Education Foundation.
Jessica Miller talks about how she used grant money for her students.
 Bilal Z. Raychouni talks about how he used grant money for his students.
Powhatan Middle School will host an evening of “Non-traditional High School Options” with representatives from the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology, Code RVA High School and the Powhatan High School/Reynolds Community College for Advanced College Academy Program on Oct. 9, 2023. The purpose of this meeting is to provide interested students and their parents with information regarding the curriculum, graduation requirements, extracurricular activities, as well as answer questions regarding the application process for each high school option. Although the application process is open to current eighth grade students, fifth, sixth and seventh grade students and their parents are also invited to attend in order to assist in course planning before they reach the eighth grade. The evening will kick off with a review of Powhatan County Public Schools’ participation in these schools as well as answer some of the basic questions students and parents have about student participation in these high school program options. Applications will be available beginning on Oct. 13 from Mrs. Haskins in the Gifted Services office (B210) and Mrs. Baldwin in the school counseling office. Applications will be available to students currently enrolled in Algebra I. Private and homeschool families seeking applications will need to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Haskins to come to Powhatan Middle School, provide proof of residency and pick up an application. Applications cannot be mailed. The deadline for eighth graders to submit an application is Dec. 1, 2023. #wearepcps #teampowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Schedule of offerings for families of Powhatan middle schoolers and their families to learn about non-traditional high school options. The event will start at 5 p.m. Oct. 9 at Powhatan Middle School. After an overview at 5 p.m., families can attend sessions on up to three of the options at 5:15, 5:50 and 6:25.
Co-teachers Mrs. Akins and Ms. Rhodes focused their seventh-grade math class at Powhatan Middle School on mastering the order of operations. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson.
A student works on a math lesson.
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson while another student works.
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson.
Three  students work on a math lesson.
A student works on a math lesson.
Four students work on a math lesson.
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson.
Co-teachers Mrs. Akins and Ms. Rhodes focused their seventh-grade math class at Powhatan Middle School on mastering the order of operations. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A student works on a math lesson.
Four students work on a math lesson.
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson.
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson.
A student works on a math lesson.
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson while another student works.
A teacher helps a student with a math lesson.
Three students work on a math lesson.
Over the next few months, Powhatan County Public Schools will be spotlighting the awesome employees who joined our staff this year. Please join us in welcoming them to the PCPS family. We'll start with Toni Kilpatrick, a new instructional specialist. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Image of one person and text that says: 'PLEASE WELCOME New PCPS Employees TONI KILPATRICK Instructional Specialist About Me Hi! I'm Toni. originally from Prince George, Vα. mention that because married high school sweetheart. ogether, have two beautiful babies. keep hearing that PCPS wonderful place with family first attitude. I'm excited about that warmth that you just don't get larger district. Before coming Powhatan, was in Chesterfield for 12 gs teacher, dean, assistant principal, most recently, as principal Robious Middle School. When I'm home, serving soccer mom, crafting working playing video games, trying convince husband Disney World again!'
We encourage our families to make sure students don't miss school days for anything but absolutely necessary absences. Missed instruction time can add up quickly and put students behind. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Attendance matters. When a student misses 2 days of school a month: They will miss 20 days a year; they will miss 30 hours of math; they will miss 60 hours of reading and writing; and they will miss over 1 year of school by graduation.
Getting to know you. Powhatan Middle School recently held its back to school night to allow parents and guardians a chance to meet their children’s teachers and ask questions. Coming up, all three elementary schools are scheduled to have their back to school nights at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 19. Powhatan High School will hold its back to school night at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 21. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
Parents and students attend back to school night.
The Powhatan County School Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at the Pocahontas Landmark Center, 4290 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, VA 23139. The board will hold its workshop at 5 p.m. and the regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. The meeting agendas can be found on Board Docs. Visit https://www.powhatan.k12.va.us/o/pcps/page/school-board and click on the Board Docs icon.
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Powhatan Middle School eighth graders in Mrs. Bartholomew’s English class participate in a book pass. The activity allows the students to browse different books that might interest them and pick some possible reads for later. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Students evaluate books they might want to read.
Students evaluate books they might want to read.
Students evaluate books they might want to read.
Students evaluate books they might want to read.
Students evaluate books they might want to read.
Students evaluate books they might want to read.
Eighth graders in Ms. Phinney’s Physical Science Advanced class at Powhatan Middle School perform an equipment and safety practice lab. The lab focuses on learning to safely and appropriately utilize the equipment the students will use in labs throughout the year. #WeArePCPS #TeamPowhatan
over 1 year ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Students work on a equipment and safety lab.
Students work on a equipment and safety lab.
Students work on a equipment and safety lab.
Students work on a equipment and safety lab.
Students work on a equipment and safety lab.