In compliance with Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Executive Order 33 and Powhatan County Public Schools Student Rights and Responsibilities, Powhatan Public Schools will be a cell phone-free educational setting beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. To ensure that students have a focused and healthier learning environment, PCPS will implement and enforce the following procedures at all schools. Students who use their electronic devices on school property will be subject to disciplinary consequences, including confiscation of devices.
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
An image of a hand holding a phone. The phone screen has a graphic of a phone with a red line through it. Text that reads: Powhatan County Public Schools CELL PHONE POLICY In compliance with Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Executive Order 33 and Powhatan County Public Schools Student Rights and Responsibilities, Powhatan Public Schools will be a cell phone-free educational setting. To ensure that students have a focused and healthier learning environment, Powhatan County Public Schools will implement and enforce the following procedures at all schools. Students who use their electronic devices on school property will be subject to disciplinary consequences, including confiscation of devices. During the Instructional Day, students must keep cell phones and other personal electronic devices turned off and in their backpacks or bags until they exit the building at the end of the Instructional Day. No headphones/earbuds will be worn at school. Headphone/earbud use will only be permitted for specific learning activities as directed by school staff. For instructional purposes, only school-issued electronic devices will be allowed. Parents who need to reach their child during the school day should call the main office. Students who need to reach a parent should ask a staff member and will be able to do so using a school phone. Discipline process First offense - A staff member reminds the student to turn his/her phone off and put it away. Second offense - Staff member confiscates the phone until the end of class and calls the parent before they leave for the day. Third offense - Staff member confiscates the phone and submits an office referral; administrator processes the referral and calls the parent by the end of the day; and parent has to pick up the device.** **In accordance with the Student Rights and Responsibilities, repeated offenses will be viewed as “Failure to Comply” and will carry more significant consequences.
This summer, our PCPS administrators had a spellbinding experience at a professional development day with the amazing Dr. Kathleen Corley, author of “The Magical Place We Call School: Creating a Safe Space for Learning and Happiness in a Challenging World.” ✨ We were beyond excited to have her inspire our staff as they gear up to tackle the challenges and celebrate the magical moments ahead. Thanks to a generous donation from our wonderful local supporters, Bob and Karla Curtis—who’ve already worked their magic by gifting each teacher and counselor $1,000 to use in their classrooms—our staff members will also receive a copy of Dr. Corley’s enchanting book. As we set off on this year’s adventure, we’re ready to conjure up creativity, cast the light of knowledge, and enchant our students with the joy of learning. 📚 #wearepcps #teampowhatan
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A large group of people pose together outside.
A roomful of people listen to a speaker.
A woman talks to a classroom full of adults.
A roomful of people listen to a speaker.
A roomful of people listen to a speaker.
A roomful of people listen to a speaker.
A group of adults sitting around  a table talk.
Adults standing in a large circle discuss ideas.
Adults standing in a large circle discuss ideas.
A roomful of people listen to a speaker.
PCPS families, it’s time for Open Houses! 🎉 Starting today and running through Thursday, our schools are inviting you to bring your students to check out their classrooms, meet their teachers, and get comfy with their schools before the big first day. 🏫 Whether you’re new to the district or just want a sneak peek, this is the perfect chance to get ready for an awesome school year. #wearepcps #teampowhatan #backtoschoolVA
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Key dates this week Powhatan High School Powhatan Middle Flat Rock Elementary Pocahontas Elementary Powhatan Elementary Tuesday, Aug. 13 Freshman & New Student  Orientation, 3-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14 Open House (Fee Night)  4-5:30 p.m. - Juniors & Seniors 5:30-7 p.m. - Freshmen & Sophomores Tuesday, Aug. 13 Open House  4-5:30 p.m. - 6th Grade 5:30-7 p.m. -  7th & 8th Grade Thursday, Aug. 15 Open House VPI/ECSE  starts at 3 p.m. Kindergarten starts at 4 p.m.  All Other Students from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15 Open House VPI, 3-4 p.m. Kindergarten, 4-5 p.m. New Students, 5-5:30 p.m. Returning Students, 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15 Open House Head Start & Kindergarten, 4 p.m. All Other Students, 5-7 p.m.
The Chesterfield Health District is easing the burden on parents to get their children’s state-required immunizations by hosting immunization clinics for Powhatan County Public Schools 7th and 12th grade students at their respective Open House. State-required immunizations will be administered at Powhatan Middle and High schools. The clinic for 7th graders will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 13 at Powhatan Middle School, 4135 Old Buckingham Road. The clinic for 12th graders will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 14 at Powhatan High School, 1800 Judes Ferry Road. What immunizations are provided? ● 7th grade: ○ Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) ○ Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) ○ Human papillomavirus (HPV) ● 12th grade: ○ Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) Additional Information • Bring your child’s immunization record and insurance card, if applicable. • There is no expense to receive immunization; insurance is billed for administration. • When your child has received these immunizations, provide the records to your school nurse.
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Image of a teenage girl. Text that reads:  State-required immunizationswill be administered atPowhatan Middle and HighSchools. Please bring yourinsurance card if applicable (or acopy) on:Powhatan High School1800 Judes Ferry RoadPowhatan, VA 23139Aug. 13 & 14, 20244 p.m. - 7 p.m.IMMUNIZATIONCLINIC7TH & 12TH GRADERSIMMUNIZATIONS: 7TH - AUG. 13 12TH - AUG. Powhatan County Public Schools Open House.All children under 18 must be accompanied bysomeone 18 years or older.HPVTdapMeningitis ACWYMeningitis ACWYPowhatan Middle School4135 Old Buckingham RoadPowhatan, VA 23139 This event is not sponsored by Powhatan County Public Schools.
Image of a teenage girl. Text that reads:  CLÍNICA DE VACUNACIÓN ESTUDIANTES DE 7º Y 12º GRADOS VACUNAS: 7º - 14 DE AGOSTO 12º - 15 DE AGOSTO Las vacunas requeridas por el estado serán administradas en la Escuela Secundaria y Preparatoria Powhatan. Por favor, traiga la tarjeta de seguro, si corresponde (o una copia) 14 y 15 de Agosto de 2024 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Sin costo para recibir vacunas -Todos los niños menores de 18 años deben estar acompañados por una persona mayor de 18 años. Escuela Preparatoria Powhatan 1800 Judes Ferry Road Powhatan, VA 23139 HPV Tdap Meningitis ACWY Meningitis ACWY Escuela Secundaria Powhatan 4135 Old Buckingham Road Powhatan, VA 23139 Este evento no está patrocinado por las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Powhatan.
🚀📸 Here’s the third exciting batch of summer camp photos from Powhatan County Public Schools! Our campers had an absolute blast learning softball, volleyball, and baseball skills. They also ventured into the world of science by building rockets, operating drones, and exploring light and shadows. The smiles and excitement are contagious! Check out the highlights and see our future athletes and scientists in action! 🏐⚾✨
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Volleyball players learn foundation skills at a volleyball camp.
Students learn softball foundation skills such as swinging at the ball.
Volleyball players learn foundation skills at a volleyball camp.
A group of students practice operating a drone.
A group of students practice operating a drone.
Students in a summer camp learn about shadow and light.
Students in a summer camp learn to make rockets.
Students in a summer camp launch rockets they built.
A large group of teens and children pose for a photo.
A teen pitches  a softball while a younger student waits to catch it.
🎉 Welcome, new teachers! 🎉 Our New Teacher Academy was in full swing today, and we are thrilled to have so many bright and enthusiastic educators joining the Powhatan County Public Schools family! 🌟 These future rockstar teachers are ready to make a difference with our students, and we are so excited to see what they bring to the PCPS family. Let's give them a warm welcome as they embark on this exciting journey! 📚🍎 #wearepcps #teampowhatan #WelcomeNewTeachers #backtoschoolva
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A group of people pose for a photo on a staircase.
A group of people pose for a photo in front of a LOVE sign.
A group of people pose for a photo in front of a LOVE sign.
A group of people work on a craft project.
A group of people work on a craft project.
Two people pose for a photo.
A group of people listens to a speaker.
A sign reads: Welcome New Teachers. Come on in!!
A group of people listens to a speaker.
A group of people listens to a speaker.
From whipping up delicious dishes to exploring the far reaches of the universe, the PCPS camps explored a mountain of knowledge and fun this summer. In this second batch of summer camp photos, you can see students mastering culinary skills in Cooking Camp; dribbling, shooting, and scoring in Basketball Camp; building and programming their own robots in Robotics Camp; and exploring the mysteries of the universe in Mad Scientists’ Club with Señor Miller. #wearepcps #teampowhatan
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Two students pose for a photo.
A child poses for a photo.
Children in a cooking camp help get lunch ready.
A group of students work on a robot.
A group of students work on a robot.
A group of students work on a robot.
A group of students learn basketball foundations.
A group of students learn basketball foundations.
A group of students learn basketball foundations.
Students in a cooking camp work on making pizza.
Learn and play: Powhatan's summer camps deliver double the fun! Over several weeks, students had the opportunities to stretch their minds, their imaginations, and their physical abilities in the district’s summer camps. In this first batch, you can see students pushing their physical limits in the Youth Cross Country Camp; learning the basics of acting, improvisation, and physical and vocal technique in Fun with Theater Arts; embracing their inner elves as they tackle different structural engineering tasks using gingerbread; and entering the world of mad science and loco experiments in the Mad Scientists’ Club with Señor Miller. #wearepcps #teampowhatan
7 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A student runs under a parachute.
A group of students jump over hurdles.
A child completes a workshop while sitting on the floor.
An adult talks about acting to a group of students.
A child colors a coloring page.
Three children talk to an adult.
A student makes ingredients for a gingerbread building.
A hand puts together a gingerbread structure.
A group of students run around a school track.
A group of students run around a school track.
Don't forget that PCPS Transportation Request forms are due this Friday, July 26. If you have not already had a chance to do so, please fill out this transportation request form if you need bus transportation for the upcoming school year. Requests received after July 26 will be processed in the order they are received. However, requests received after bus route planning has begun are not guaranteed by the start of the 2024-2025 school year, and service may be delayed until September 3, 2024. The link to the form is in the first comment. If you have any questions or problems submitting your transportation request, please contact the transportation office by phone at 804-598-5706 or by email at PCPS Transportation Request Form-
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Graphic of a school bus with children looking out the window. Text that reads: Don't  forget!!! Register 2 Ride
Powhatan High School was thrilled to celebrate an additional group of graduates joining the school’s Class of 2024 as part of the annual Summer Graduation Ceremony held on Wednesday, July 17. The high school offers a summer graduation ceremony to recognize those students who need a little longer to complete their graduation requirements or who are using the opportunity to complete their studies ahead of schedule. Whatever their reasons, we were proud to see all of these young adults cross the stage to accept their diplomas and turn the page to the next chapter of their lives. Congratulations graduates! #wearepcps #teampowhatan
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Six graduates in caps and gowns  pose with their diplomas.
Six graduates in caps and gowns  listen to a speaker while surrounded by family.
A man speaks at a podium on a stage where four people sit. A sign projected on the wall reads Powhatan High School Class of 2024 Summer Graduation.  A net of balloons hangs above the stage.
A woman speaks at a podium on a stage where four people sit. A sign projected on the wall reads Powhatan High School Class of 2024 Summer Graduation.
UPDATE: This post has been updated to reflect that the event has moved locations to Powhatan County Public Library because of the heat. The food trucks will still be there. The Powhatan Summer Reading Program continues! Join us for Nature Quest at Powhatan County Public Library on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Participate in a guided hike and learn about insects, amphibians, and reptiles. There is free parking for the event. TBT EL Gallo taco truck and Kona Ice will be there! Come hungry!!
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
children jumping and holding hands with insects, trees and grass as background
Powhatan County Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5. PCPS staff members wish all of our families a safe and Happy Fourth of July.
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
American flag border. Two American flags with the poles crossed.  Text that reads: Happy FOurth of July.  Powhatan County Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5.
Summer Break Check!☀️ Share a 📸 photo in the comments of how your family is enjoying the break so far! #wearepcps #teampowhatan
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Graphic of a camera overlayed by a sun that has a smiley face and sun glasses. Text that reads Summer Break Check
The Chesterfield Health District is easing the burden on parents to get their children’s state-required immunizations by hosting three clinics for Chesterfield and Powhatan County Public School 7th and 12th grade students. Two clinics are scheduled for L.C. Bird High School, at 10301 Courthouse Road in Chesterfield, Monday, July 1 and Thursday, July 18 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The third clinic is scheduled for Matoaca High School, at 17700 Longhouse Lane in Chesterfield, Thursday, July 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Making sure students have required immunizations means safer, healthier communities. Families should make sure their child’s immunizations are up to date now to avoid delays when school starts in August. “Primary care appointments in central Virginia are booking months out,” Chesterfield Health District Nurse Manager LaWanda Dunn said. The health district is offering these immunizations to Powhatan and Chesterfield students now for those in our most vulnerable communities to make sure everyone can start school on time, she said. What immunizations are provided? ● 7th grade: ○ Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) ○ Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) ○ Human papillomavirus (HPV) ● 12th grade: ○ Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) Additional Information • Bring your child’s immunization record and insurance card, if applicable. • There is no expense to receive immunization; insurance is billed for administration. • When your child has received these immunizations, provide the records to your school nurse.
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Illustration of arm getting an injection. Text that reads:  Vaccination Clinics The Chesterfield Health District is easing the burden on parents to get their children’s state-required immunizations by hosting three clinics for Powhatan County Public School 7th and 12th grade students. What immunizations are provided?   7th grade: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY)  Human papillomavirus (HPV)  12th grade:  Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) Monday, July 1 and Thursday, July 18   10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  L.C. Bird High School, at 10301 Courthouse Road in Chesterfield Thursday, July 11  10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Matoaca High School, at 17700 Longhouse Lane in Chesterfield
Good morning PCPS Community. The Powhatan School Board met on June 18 for its regular monthly meeting. Check out the School Board Recap covering the highlights of this meeting to find out about happenings in your local school system this summer. The link for the newsletter is in the first comment.
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
PCPS logo. Text that reads: School Board Recap. Catching up  on the June 18 School Board meeting.  Greetings PCPS Community, Happy Summer! Hopefully, you are reading this edition of the Powhatan County School Board Recap in between some fun, relaxing, or productive moments.
Good morning. This is a message only for families of children attending summer school or camps at Pocahontas Elementary School. Elementary summer school and any other school activities located at Pocahontas Elementary will be canceled today, July 1 due to a power outage impacting the building. Classes and camps will resume as normal on Tuesday, July 2. Activities at other schools are not impacted.
8 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Push pin note that reads: Good morning. This is a message only for families of children attending summer school or camps at Pocahontas Elementary School. Elementary summer school and any other school activities located at  Pocahontas Elementary  will be canceled today, July 1 due to a power outage impacting the building. Classes and camps will resume as normal on Tuesday, July 2. Activities at other schools are not impacted.
Powhatan County Public Schools is hiring! We are looking for interested teachers in the areas of Middle School Computer Technology, Middle School English, Middle School Science, Head Start Teacher, and Special Education (all levels). To learn more about becoming a valued member of our team, contact Human Resources at 804-598-5700 or visit the school division's website.
9 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Text that reads: We are hiring! open positions: Special Education teachers (all levels) Middle school computer technology  middle school english middle school science head start teacher Contact Human Resources (804) 598-5700 PCPS where career, community and family come together Powhatan County Public Schools’ Website :
Earlier this semester, Pocahontas Elementary celebrated National Poetry Month with a Fifth Grade Poetry Contest, giving fifth graders a chance to show their creative side by submitting an original poem in a contest. After reviewing all of the beautifully written poems, the Pocahontas Instructional Leadership Team and Counselors picked one of the six submissions as the winner of the contest. Layla Leandro's poem "Hope" was chosen and as the winner, and her poem was shared on the announcements and featured in the Fifth Grade Graduation Ceremony. Honorable mentions of students who submitted their poem are the following: Chesney Elder, Avalyn Edwards, Clementine Fiorello, Jazzlyn Young, and Collins Davis. All students received a certificate of recognition, a copy of their poem, and a gold-tipped quill – symbolizing their strong and insightful writing, and to remember to keep writing poetry! #wearepcps #teampowhatan
9 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A fifth grader poses for a photo with  a copy of a certificate and a  poem she wrote.
A fifth grader poses for a photo with  a copy of a certificate and a  poem she wrote.
A fifth grader poses for a photo with  a copy of a certificate and a  poem she wrote.
A fifth grader poses for a photo with  a copy of a certificate and a  poem she wrote.
A fifth grader poses for a photo with  a copy of a certificate and a  poem she wrote.
A fifth grader poses for a photo with  a copy of a certificate and a  poem she wrote.
📚🌞 Ready for a WILD summer adventure? 🦊🌿 Come out to the second Powhatan Summer Reading program event at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25 at Powhatan Middle School, 4135 Old Buckingham Road. This will be an amazing opportunity to learn about local wild animals with AWARE Wildlife. You can also join us for a safari storytime with a craft. All are welcome. #wearepcps #teampowhatan @powhatanlibrary
9 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
A photo of a possum hanging from a branch. Text that reads: AWARE WILDLIFE. TUesday, June 25th at 6 p.m., Powhatan MIddle School, 4135 Old Buckingham Road. Come learn about local  wild animals with AWARE Wildlife, and join us for a safari storytime with a craft.  Powhatan County Public Library logo
Happy Juneteenth! Powhatan’s Juneteenth event will be a day of celebration, culture, and history. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 22 at the Pocahontas Landmark Center, 4290 Anderson Highway. It is free and open to all. The day will include craft vendors, food trucks, music, and special performances. There will also be a special exhibit at the Powhatan African American Cultural Arts Museum about The History of Powhatan teachers and educators. This event is not sponsored by PCPS.
9 months ago, Powhatan County Public Schools
Two flowers with petals that are red, yellow, and green. Text that reads: Happy Juneteenth. Freedom Day. Two flowers of yellow, red, and green. Text that reads: Happy Juneteenth freedom day. Do you know what Juneteenth is? It's the celebration of the end of slavery in the United States, marking the day in 1865 when the last enslaved African Americans were free.