24-25 School Hours
Bus/Parent Drop off: 8:35 • Tardy Bell/Announcements: 8:50 • Dismissal: 3:30 • Student Day: 8:50 - 3:30 • Office Hours: 7:45 - 4:15
School Contact
Main Number: 804-598-5717 • Address: 4294 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan, VA 23139
Attendance Number: (804) 598 - 6306 • Email to Attendance:
Email for an afternoon transportation change or for Parent Pick Up:
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Quick Updates
Class Pictures (with optional individual pictures) are on March 20th.
For our annual Kindness Week Challenge, we donated 747 pounds to the food pantry! Thank you for the donations to support our community.
Tab collections are up and running! Pocahontas took the trophy in the Fall, can we keep it? Tab collection is through April 25th to benefit Ronald McDonald House.
Helping Hands Award - Do you know a Powhatan County Public Schools employee who is Inspiring, Empowering, or Innovating? Nominate them for the Helping Hands Award! Tell us about any staff member who is making a difference in the lives of our children by inspiring, empowering or innovating. Use this link and click on the “Nominate someone” button to tell us about a Powhatan Schools staff member who deserves to be recognized. We welcome suggestions from students, families, co-workers or community members.
Join our dynamic team of substitute teachers and help shape the future of Pocahontas Elementary School. Enjoy a flexible schedule, weekly pay, and free training. Visit to join our team today!
Powhatan County Housing Needs Survey
Your voice matters! PCPS encourages our staff and families to take the Powhatan County Housing Needs Survey to help guide important decisions for our community—and our schools.
This anonymous survey, led by a local steering committee, will help guide important decisions about housing in Powhatan. As a school division, we know how housing affects PCPS students and families. Your feedback will also help ensure our schools are prepared for the community’s needs.
Dress Up for Reading Month!
Friday, March 21st: World Down Syndrome Day - Wear Bright, Crazy Socks
Monday, March 24th: We pawsitively love to read, wear animal print or shirt with an animal on it.
Thursday, March 27th: Wear red because we have read all month!
5th Grade Family Life.
5th Grade Family Life Education takes place from March 21st - 28th. Information and opt-out letters were sent home last week. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Spring Pictures!
This Thursday 3/20/25 is picture day.
On picture day last week, when the photographers arrived, they let us know they were able to photograph all students. All students were given the opportunity to have their picture taken. Proofs will be sent home and if you have not paid ahead, you will still have the option to purchase pictures.
Important information for 5th Grade Families
Unfortunately, the snow and ice caused PMS to cancel the rising 6th grade night with our families. Due to the pending weather forecast for next week, we recorded our presentation for our families. Our middle school counselors will be visiting elementary schools starting next week, so we wanted all families to have this information upfront.
Please view this recording to learn about classes, extracurricular activities, how to be a middle schooler, and more. We will also talk more about the scheduling process and how students pick classes in middle school.
Reach out to our counseling coordinator, Terry Baldwin ( or our principal, Colin Innes ( with any questions. If you'd like to learn more about the schedule, school, and potential classes, check out our Powhatan Middle School Scheduling Website.
March is Reading Month!
Mrs. Crump, our reading coach, has organized an incredible lineup of events that you don’t want to miss. Click HERE to view the calendar of the many fun activities on the horizon. We hope you will join us for the events we have planned including:
Richmond Flying Squirrels Go Nuts for Reading
Students who participate in the Go Nuts for Reading program this year will earn a free ticket to the game, which is scheduled for Tuesday, April 15th. Families can purchase tickets in advance with a portion of ticket sales being returned to Pocahontas Elementary. Click HERE for more information about the Go Nuts for Reading program. Nutsy will be coming to visit the school on March 3rd for a reading month kick off assembly.
Guest Readers
We love having families actively engaged in our school community. If you would like to be a guest reader in your child’s classroom during the month of March, please reach out to our Reading Coach, Carla Crump, via email ( or by returning the form linked HERE.
We have gone nuts for reading (and Reading Month) at Pocahontas! We look forward to enjoying it with you and your family!
Yearbooks are on sale from now through 3/26/25!
How to pay: online at-- or Cash/check to Pocahontas Elementary School.
Reach out to Charlotte Muscat 804-598-5717 or with questions
Calling All Military Kids!
April is Month of the Military Child. We will be celebrating our military kids at Poca on Monday, April 14th. Students will read a story, decorate cookies, and create a banner for our school. Pickup will be at 4:45.
If you have a military child please fill out the form here by Friday, March 21st so that we can send a permission slip home with them. If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Meaker or Mrs. Crump (
Mother/Mother Figure & Son Event. Save the date for our mother/mother figure and son event for all of our Pocahontas boys. This event will take place on Friday, April 25th in the evening. Please make sure to return your form, payment AND waiver to secure your spot!
Pocahontas Spirit Wear: Spring sports are starting up and the weather is getting warmer, so it is a great time to refresh your Pocahontas Spirit Wear items! New items are added weekly. Don't want to pay shipping?? Get in on a bulk order with friends! Check out the store: 1st Place Spirit Wear
School Supplies for 2025-2026: There is still one quarter of the school year left, but it's never too early to start thinking about next year. Take some new school year stress off by pre-ordering your school supplies! School supply lists for the 25-26 school year should be finalized in the coming weeks and the PTO will once again be offering school supply boxes. Order your entire list, or pick and choose what you need. Supplies are delivered over the summer and will be waiting in your child's classroom on Supply Drop Off night!