Teachers and Staff standing with School Board Member for recognition.

One of the highlights of each month’s School Board meeting is recognizing the amazing students, staff, and community members during the Recognition portion of the meeting. The November 12 meeting’s Recognition time was packed, and we are going to take today to honor all of those men, women, and students for their achievements. Let’s start with the 2024-2025 PEF Classroom Innovation Grant Award Winners.

The Powhatan Education Foundation (PEF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the learning experience for the students, teachers, and staff of Powhatan County Public Schools by promoting innovative educational opportunities, recognizing outstanding achievements, and developing community partnerships.

Each year, the PEF awards Innovative Classroom Grants that present ideas for achieving the county’s curricular goals, enhancing students’ personal development, and/or encouraging links with the community. This year, PEF received 14 grant requests. Eight grants were fully or partially funded for a total investment of $15,922.90. The recipients are: β€’ Kimochis - Helping Educators and Families help kids manage difficult feelings and challenging behaviors. Kirsten Lightner, Dianne White, Jennifer Lavimodiere, and Taileah Rich, $2,964.01, POCA. β€’ Turning Tables: Bringing CWD and the Performing Arts Together Through Engineering and Stagecraft. Bilal Z. Raychouni, $3,000, PHS. β€’ Orff Instrument Xylophone Exploration. Helena Nuckols, $1,750, POCA. β€’ POCA Pulse News. Zannatul Ferdous and Samantha Martin, $363.23, POCA. β€’ Real World Coding in the Library. Tiffany Ray, $1,348.66, POCA. β€’ From Crime Scene to Courtroom. Cheri Ashman and Amanda Wilson Henderson, $2,260, PHS. β€’ Sphero Indi Coding Cars. Katy Osborne (Tech Resource), Kelly Terry (Library Resource), and Kristen Bentzen (Inn. Learning Coach), $3,000, FRES. β€’ Unlocking Student Success with Breakout EDU, Kelly Terry and Mary Lisa Watts, $1,237, FRES.

Congratulations to our winners!