George Bland, Head Football Coach at Powhatan Highschool with team kneeling in the background. Orange banner at the bottom of the image with arrows in the background with text that reads, "George Bland, Head Football Coach, Powhatan High School.
Hiring for School Bus Drivers Flyer
Angela Stewart, Beth Teigen, Bethany Britz, Samantha Martin, Courtney Jarman and Amanda Johnson (left to right)
Career Fair Flier with orange and black background
Kristal McIntire, Angela Stewart, Beth Teigen, Kim McComb, Courtney Jarman, Collin Innes, Chris Pearson, Kevin Socha (left to right)
Kami Louth,  Angela Stewart, Tara Harmon, Alecia Clements, Courtney Jarman, Terri Allison (first row left to right) Aaron Boughner, Chris Sumner (back row left to right)
Colleen Schwartz with upper level administration
Terri Allison, Beth Teigen, Laura Simon, Constance Deal, Karen Gobble (left to right)
Bethany Britz awarded Teacher of the Year at Pocahontas Elementary School (Angela Stewart, Beth Teigen, Bethany Britz, Samantha Martin, Courtney Jarman, Amanda Johnson (left to right)
Teachers and Staff standing with School Board Member for recognition.
Powhatan Child Check Flier
Solving Problems Flow Chart of Communications
Common Sense Badge for 2024-2025
Toni Kilpatrick with School Board Members