School Counseling

The School Counseling department is available to assist students with social/emotional, academic, and college & career readiness issues. Counselors meet with students individually, in small groups, or during classroom guidance lessons.

School Counseling Staff




Kelyn Captain

A-C, Alternative Education, Scholarship Co-Coordinator

804-598-5710 (ext. 1307)

Chrissie Holley

D-G, School Counseling Director

804-598-5710 (ext.1311)

Doug Reimondo

H-Mg, Athletic Eligibility, Career Development Programs

804-598-5710 (ext. 1310)

Caryn Rehme

Mh-Sp, Career Development Programs, College & Military Recruiters

804-598-5710 (ext. 1308)

Sarah Baltimore

Sq-Z, Dual Enrollment, Scholarship Co-coordinator

804-598-5710 (ext. 1309)

Katherine Leonard

Registrar and School Counseling Secretary

804-598-5789 and
FAX 804-598-0036

Marie Crump

Testing Coordinator

804-598-5710 (ext. 1304)

Rick Cole

Career Coach

804-598-5710 (ext. 1346)

Andrea Wassmer

GRASP/Financial Aid Coordinator

804-598-5710 (ext. 1316)

Kelyn Captain

Kelyn Captain
A - C

Chrissie Holley

Chrissie Holley
D - G

Doug Reimondo

Doug Reimondo
H - Mg

Caryn Rehme

Caryn Rehme
Mh - Sp

Sarah Baltimore

Sarah Baltimore
Sq - Z