School Info
PHS 24 - 25 Hours
Doors open to students @ 7:45 am • Classes begin @ 8:00 am • Student Dismissal @ 2:40 pm • Office Hours are from 7:15 am to 3:45 pm
Contact Us
Powhatan High School 1800 Judes Ferry Rd Powhatan, VA 23139 Phone: 804-598-5710 Fax: 804-598-0298
Attendance Number: 804-598-5710 ext. 1353 Email:
What's Trending
🌟Quick Updates:
Student Dismissal Procedure Reminder - If your child is sick, they must be checked out by our school nurse, Mrs. Jefferson, before being released home. They are not permitted to leave school property without being signed out first.
🌟Prom - April 12th, 2025
Ticket sales will begin Tuesday, March 18th during Indian Time at the Concessions Stand near the Commons. Starting Friday, March 21st, 2025, tickets will also be sold during all three lunches in the Commons. All ticket sales will end on Friday, March 28th, 2025. Tickets will cost $35 each. Tickets will only be sold to Junior and Senior students, however, Juniors and Seniors may bring underclassmen as a date. All class fees and student balances must be paid to buy a Prom ticket.
If your student is bringing an outside guest, they must fill out an outside guest form and attach a copy of the guest’s photo ID when turning in the form to the front office. Copies of the outside guest form will also be available in the front office. Outside guests must be under 21 years of age to attend. Middle school students are not permitted to attend.
🌟Senior Graduation
Parents of Seniors- Would you like a way to recognize your Senior's achievement? The FBLA students are selling Graduation Yard Signs. They are 18 x 24, two-sided, and come with a yard stake. They are $20 and you may pay at the "Concession stand" or through School Cash Online ($21). Sales close on Friday, March 14th, 2025.
Signs will be delivered the week after Spring Break. If you have any questions, you may email If you paid online in the fall, you can verify your order through SchoolCash.
🌟School Counseling
Scheduling for classes for the 2025-2026 school year
Students received Course Request Verification Forms during 1st block on Friday.
If they need to make any changes, they will do that on the form and return it to School Counseling.
Teacher signatures are only needed for classes that require a teacher recommendation.
Students will be notified once final decisions are made for band and chorus placement and any courses requiring applications.
Course changes, Early Release/Late Arrival Permission Forms and Parent Overrides are due March 14th.
No changes will be accepted after this date so we can prepare for developing the master schedule.
All links can be found in the Scheduling Guide.
🌟Vaccinations for Rising Seniors
This is an early reminder to parents regarding vaccination requirements for the next school year (2025-2026 SY). Students who are 16 years old or older must receive their second dose of the MenACWY vaccine before beginning their senior year.
Students who do not provide proof of vaccination will not be allowed to attend school until the necessary documentation is submitted, unless providing a religious exemption. Proof of vaccination should be provided to Nurse Jefferson.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Nurse Jefferson by calling the school at (804) 598-5710 or emailing
🌟English Performance Based Assessments
March 19- Grade 10- PARENT LETTER
Sophomore students will complete the argumentative component of the English Performance Assessment on March 19, 2025.
All sophomores are encouraged to attend school if at all possible on March 14th and 18th to receive the prompt and begin planning towards their assessment on the 20th.
Students who are absent on the 19th will take the assessment on the make-up date, which is March 25, 2025.
If your student will be absent on March 14th, 18th, or 19th, please contact his/her English teacher or Ms. Tracey Ingle at as soon as possible to let them know.
March 20 - Grade 9- PARENT LETTER
Freshman students will complete the persuasive component of the English Performance Assessment on March 20, 2025.
All freshman are encouraged to attend school if at all possible on March 18th and 19th to receive the prompt and begin planning towards their assessment on the 20th.
Students who are absent on the 20th will take the assessment on the make-up date, which is March 25, 2025. If your students will be absent on March 18th, 19th, or 20th, please contact his/her English teacher or Ms. Tracey Ingle at as soon as possible to let them know.
🌟From the PHS Clinic
Recommendation: Fever and Vomiting/Diarrhea-Free for 24 hours without medication
With the onset of cold and flu season, we are seeing an increase in related illnesses. While we value and encourage regular attendance, we recommend that students stay home until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication and have been free of vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
MenACWY Vaccine
This is an early reminder to parents regarding vaccination requirements for the 2025-26 school year (next school year). Students who are 16 years old or older must receive their second dose of the MenACWY vaccine before beginning their senior year.
Please note that the MenB vaccination is not the same as the MenACWY vaccination and therefore will not satisfy this requirement.
Students or families who do not provide proof of vaccination will not be allowed to attend school until the necessary documentation is submitted. Proof of vaccination should be provided to Nurse Jefferson.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Nurse Jefferson by calling the school at (804) 598-5710 or emailing
🌟College Opportunities, Scholarships, and Financial Aid
VSBA Student Essay Contest
The deadline for submissions is Monday, May 5, 2025.
Free FAFSA assistance at Capital One Cafe in Carytown (Richmond) - Jan, Feb, and Mar
GRASP (Great Aspirations Scholarship Program, Inc.), in partnership with Capital One and the National College Attainment Network (NCAN), is hosting a series of free FAFSA workshops to assist students in completing their financial aid applications. These workshops will be held at the Capital One Cafe in Carytown (Richmond) and FAFSA participants have a chance to win an IPAD mini:
Carytown Capital One Cafe (2933 W Cary St, Richmond, 23221)
Sat., Mar. 22 nd , 10am – 1pm
No appointments necessary!
More information about GRASP is available at the website,
🌟Rising Senior Opportunities
Each year, the School Board hosts a Senior student as the School Board Student Representative. Our representative attends monthly School Board meetings and workshops. The student prepares and presents a report for the board each month about school activities. The School Board may also ask the representative for input and feedback on topics before the board.
Rising Seniors (current Juniors) interested in serving as the 2025-2026 School Board Student Representative should submit a brief response addressing: (1) Why they would like to serve in this role and (2) Why they believe having a student representative on the School Board is important. Please send your response via email to by Friday, April 11, 2025.