804-223-0873 or powhatan@grasp4va.org
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sign up for an appointment: https://calendly.com/powhatan
GRASP, a non-profit organization, offers financial aid aid appointments for students and families to help with the college financial aid process including help with the FAFSA, searching for scholarships and understanding financial aid award letters.
GRASP Great Aspirations Scholarship Program
www.cappex.com/scholarships (Merit Aid -not need-based scholarships)
www.collegeboard.com (college search, scholarships, registration for SAT)
https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa (student and parent can apply for a PIN for FAFSA and do FAFSA predictor)
www.wellsfargo.com/collegesteps (scholarship & information)
www.scholarships.com (sign up for scholarships given here, too)
www.fafsa.gov (file FAFSA after October 1st)
www.finaid.org (help with aid and scholarships)
Visit the College and Career Folder on the School Counseling Schoology Course for a list of SCHOLARSHIPS!
Scholarships and Grants for Black Students: https://www.moneygeek.com/education/college/resources/scholarship-guide-for-black-students
Also, a fast easy way to keep up with Scholarships is the Scholly Smartphone App: https://myscholly.com. There is a small monthly fee.
7 things to do BEFORE filling out the FAFSA (information linked here) - US Dept. of Education blog