Communications Liaison and FOIA Officer
804-598-5700 x 137
The mission of the Communications Department is to inform families and the local public of school division events, achievements, and urgent updates. We strive to maintain the highest level of integrity in all that we do for our students and staff.
Powhatan County Public Schools wants to keep you informed and alerted to important information! We use several different ways to communicate with families and interested citizens.
🌟 Automated calls, texts, and emails: Powhatan County Public Schools provides both division-wide and individual school mass notification service via automated calls, texts, and emails. These messages are communicated to the families of registered students as well as employees. If you are a parent/guardian of a registered student or an employee that is not currently receiving messages, please contact your child's school and update your contact information on your child's registration form.
🌟 Social Media: PCPS also distributes information and updates through social media, including Facebook and YouTube. Links to each can be found at the bottom of each page.
The Powhatan County School Board is committed to full compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and processes all requests for public records in accordance with Policy KBA and KBA-R.
Laura McFarland, Communications Liaison, is Powhatan County School Board’s FOIA Officer. The FOIA Officer serve(s) as a point of contact for members of the public in requesting public records and coordinate(s) the School Board’s compliance with FOIA. The FOIA Officer may be reached at