School info
School Hours
Bus/Parent Drop off: 8:35 Dismissal: 3:30 Student Day: 8:50 - 3:30 Office Hours: 7:45 - 4:15
Contact Us
Powhatan Elementary School 4111 Old Buckingham Rd Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5730
Attendance Number: 804-598-3929
Parent Pick-Up
What's Trending
🌟 Quick Reminders:
Be on the lookout for info about the PTO An Enchanted Evening on either Friday, March 7th or Saturday, March 8th for Powhatan Elementary Families.
A rise in illnesses related to the cold and flu season is upon us.
Please review the school's exclusion policies. It is also recommended that student's not return to school until they are 24 hours fever free without medication and are free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hrs.
Please remember to wear tennis shoes on PE days. Crocs and snow boots are not appropriate for our physical activities.
Keep working on your Fitness Fanatics Calendar with the family! It’s a great way to be health conscious with your little ones!
It is still cold outside. Our lost and found is overflowing. If your child is missing a jacket or sweatshirt, please have them check the lost and found. We have the items laid out on a table along the cafeteria wall. Items not claimed will be bagged up and donated at the end of February.
🌟2025 Stem Night
🌟Spring 2025 Picture Day - Mark Your Calendars!
When: March 3, 2025
A proof or portrait package will be sent home from school with all the details on how to order. Be sure to check your child's backpack for the information!
Orders should be placed through the online ordering system 😊
🌟Shining Stars 2024-2025 School Year
This year, the Special Education Department will highlight students, staff, and parents who have supported our programs, instruction, and initiatives throughout the school year.
Each month, beginning in January, staff members, parents, and students can nominate a “Shining Star.” Each Shining Star recipient will receive a visit from our department with a “Star Award” and will be featured at the Shining Stars Awards ceremony.
Our SEAC Committee will be hosting our “Shining Stars” Awards Ceremony on March 10, 2025-PHS Auditorium
🌟5th Grade Families -
Unfortunately, the snow and ice caused PMS to cancel the rising 6th grade night with our families. Due to the pending weather forecast for this week, we recorded our presentation for our families. Our middle school counselors will be visiting elementary schools starting next week, so we wanted all families to have this information upfront.
Please view this recording to learn about classes, extracurricular activities, how to be a middle schooler, and more. We will also talk more about the scheduling process and how students pick classes in middle school.
Reach out to our counseling coordinator, Terry Baldwin ( or our principal, Colin Innes ( with any questions. If you'd like to learn more about the schedule, school, and potential classes, check out our Powhatan Middle School Scheduling Website.
🌟Lunch Buddies
If interested, PCPS is in need of a few more Lunch Buddies. If you are interested in participating as a mentor for the Lunch Buddies Program, we would be happy to have you! Please apply using the link here or reach out to for any questions.
🌟February is Heart Health Month and our SEL theme is Kindness Matters!
Please view this VIDEO to hear about our Heart Challenge from Mrs. Deal, Principal.
To combine our two themes, we will be participating in the Kids Heart Challenge which is a community service learning program of the American Heart Association. It teaches students:
The importance of developing heart-healthy habits;
That being physically active can be fun;
That by raising funds to support research and education they help save lives across the country and in their community.
And choosing kindness matters to our heart.
Be on the lookout for a parent letter being sent home this week. If you would like to get started with your son or daughter, download the KIDS HEART CHALLENGE APP in your app store and search for Powhatan Elementary School.
This fundraiser will be the whole month of February and end on the 28th.
The top fundraising class can earn a pizza party! For more information you can reach out to Erin Woodson or Regan Blanton, our Kids Heart Challenge Coordinators and PE teachers.
🌟Picture Lookup
Strawbridge pictures have been delivered to school. If you are interested in ordering more here is Our NEW Code Lookup Tool this is now available. You can simply scan the QR code that is located on your child’s school picture packet and follow the directions to access your child's picture ordering gallery. No need to contact Customer Service for an access code! Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security.
If at any time parents or guardians have questions about the Code Lookup or are having difficulty navigating the site, they can reach out to our Customer Service team via the Live Chat on our website,
🌟Future Chefs National Challenge by Sodexo - Elementary School Culinary Challenge
Are there any aspiring chefs out there? Well, you can showcase your skills by participating in the upcoming Future Chefs culinary competition! Fill out an entry form with your recipe showcasing “Complete the plate with your favorit main dish,” and you’ll be in the running to compete in a live competition at Powhatan High School on March 18, 2025!
Check in the front office or ask your teacher for entry forms and more details. As an added bonus, the winner of this event will have their recipe entered into a National Competition, with the chance to win even more great prizes! Future Chefs Recipe Entry Form - 2 pages
🌟VSBA Student Essay Contest
The deadline for submissions is Monday, May 5, 2025.