Charting the Path to 2030

Mission: Provide high-quality, authentic, and inspiring learning experiences for each individual. Vision: Empower students to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow as productive learners, compassionate leaders, and engaged citizens.

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The strategic planning process was launched in January 2023 with our steering committee, made up of representatives of the county. The committee met from February through June to craft the key components of the new plan - the mission, vision, core values, and goals from August 2023 to June 2030.

The Strategic Planning committee provided input to the Division Leadership Team (DLT) on the strategies, outcomes, and performance indicators to be used to ensure the school division is making progress over time.

Books with Trophy on Top

Goal 1: Academic Excellence

Ensure academic excellence while fostering student interests and preparing them for future success in career, college, and life.

  • Provide evidence-based and engaging learning experiences that focus on mastering content, durable skills and attributes.

  • Incorporate multiple pathways for learning that include individual supports for students

  • Cultivate community partnerships to provide students access to diverse resources and support a variety of learning experiences.

  • Expand and promote work-based learning experiences that equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen fields.

circle with people, gear, and lightbulb

Goal 2: Leveraging Talent

Secure and invest in professionals who are high achieving, compassionate, and committed to continuous improvement.

  • Implement intentional recruitment strategies

  • Provide a competitive compensation and benefit package.

  • Develop and maintain personalized, high quality professional learning for all staff.

  • Create a system for recognition and celebration of successes.

People with thought bubbles being held together by a magnet

Goal 3: Family and Community Engagement

Cultivate strategic, purposeful partnerships with families and community members to strengthen the success and growth of each individual.

  • Develop a comprehensive communication plan including structures that highlight school events, programs, and accomplishments.

  • Engage in a variety of events that focus on high- impact family and community engagement.

  • Build a continuum of volunteer opportunities across the division.

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Goal 4: Student Wellness

Provide positive, safe, and supportive learning environments to promote personal well-being.

  • Provide educational facilities that are safe, secure, clean and comfortable.

  • Develop a continuum of support that includes outside agencies to address student needs.

  • Ensure effective implementation of safety and security policies and programs.

Strategic Plan Committee Members at Meeting