Special Education banner with PCPS logo in the background

If you think that your child may have a disability and need special education services, you should contact your child's teacher or the Lead Teacher at the school your child attends. The referral process starts with a Child Study Committee meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to identify the recommended strategies to address your child's learning, behavior, communication or development. The committee may make a referral for evaluation for special education and related services at any time. 

Video Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process for Families

🌟Shining Stars 2024-2025 School Year

Nomination Forms

This year, the Special Education Department will highlight students, staff, and parents who have supported our programs, instruction, and initiatives throughout the school year. Each month, beginning in January, staff members, parents, and students can nominate a β€œShining Star.” Each Shining Star recipient will receive a visit from our department with a β€œStar Award” and will be featured at the Shining Stars Awards ceremony.

Our SEAC Committee will be hosting our β€œShining Stars” Awards Ceremony on March 10, 2025-PHS Auditorium

Special Education Resources

Contact Information for Schools

  • Pocahontas Elementary School-804 598-5717

  • Powhatan Elementary School-804-598-5730

  • Flat Rock Elementary School-804-598-5743

  • Powhatan Middle School-804-362-2500

  • Powhatan High School-804-598-5710

Special Education Information

Special Education Staff

Dr. Lynn Clayton-Prince

Dr. Lynn Clayton-Prince

Director of Special Education


Erinn Green

Erinn Green, Ed.D.

Assistant Director of Special Education

Tracy Hobson

Tracy Hobson

Executive Assistant for
Special Education and CAO
(804) 598-5700 Ext. 136

Kimberly Handsome, PhD

Kimberly Handsome, PhD

Powhatan High 

Heather Storrie, EdD

Stefani Riviere

Powhatan Middle

Lisa Meredith

Lisa Meredith

Powhatan Elementary

Loretta Mabry

Loretta Mabry

Flat Rock Elementary

Rebecca Charmichael

Becca Carmichael

Pocahontas Elementary 