School Counseling

Elizabeth Davis Crane Image

Elizabeth Davis-Crane
School Extension: 2106
Monday-Friday 8:30-3:45

Anne Marie Horne picture

Annmarie Horne
School Extension: 2105
Monday-Friday 8:30-3:45

Basic Information

The Elementary School Counseling Program offers classroom lessons, brief individual and small group counseling, and academic support. The counselors work with parents, teachers, and administrators in order to help all students be successful in school. The program follows the school counseling standards set forth by the Virginia Department of Education and the American School Counselor Association. For more information, please click the following links: VDOE School Counseling Services  American School Counselor Association. Parents and other community members are also encouraged to contact the school counseling department directly for additional information.

Classroom Lessons:

The counselors teach lessons in each classroom during the year. Topics covered in classroom sessions are related to academic success, social-emotional learning, and/or career exploration. 

Individual Counseling:

Any student may request to see a counselor.  Parents, teachers, and/or administrators may also refer a student for a counseling visit.  School counselors provide brief, solution-focused counseling. If a student is in need of more extensive services, parents will be notified of the counselor's recommendation and provided with a list of professional resources in the area.

Small Group Counseling:

Small group counseling is offered throughout the year to support children going through similar challenges. Groups typically meet once a week for 30 minutes for approximately six weeks. As often as possible, counselors schedule small group meetings during student lunch times so there is no interference with academic time.  Notices will be distributed prior to the beginning of each session. Small group counseling is not mandatory and parents/guardians may choose to opt out. The counseling groups may include, but are not limited to, Changing Families (children going through separation or divorce), Anger Management, Grief Support (for students who have lost a parent or sibling), Social Skills, and Study Skills.


School counselors coordinate some school programs and services, such as Watch DOGS and Lunch Buddies. The counseling department also works with other agencies in the school and community, such as Backpacks of Love, to coordinate services that assist students as needed. Please contact a counselor if you have questions about these services or would like to volunteer to help.


The counselors are available to consult with parents, teachers, administrators, and other professionals to help ensure each child has a positive learning environment. The primary goal of the counseling department is to promote student success, safety, and emotional well-being.  Please call or email to request a meeting.   

Opt Out Policy:

In accordance with the Powhatan County School Board Policy 6-27.1, parents have the option to limit or deny their child's participation in school counseling programs. Should the choice to limit or opt-out be desired by parents, written notification must be provided to the school specifying the action desired. The notification may either be addressed to the school principal, the child's teacher, or to the school counselor. 

Virtual Check In

Students may use the link below to check in with a School Counselor.
This link will connect you to a Google Form.

Virtual Check In with School Counselors