School Nurse
Clinic Phone: 804.598.8540
We see a wide variety of illnesses and injuries at the clinic on a daily basis. Additional services provided are: the safe administration of prescription and over-the-counter medications, immunization compliance monitoring, classroom presentations, and health screenings.
For the safety of all students and within the boundaries of our nursing license, we have strict guidelines for the administration of medication to students at school. Please review the following procedure:
All medication consent forms must be completed by parent/guardian. Obtain the consent form from the clinic staff.
All medication must be in the original container.
Prescription medication must be accompanied by a physician's order stating the name of the medicine, the route to be taken, the frequency and the duration of the prescription.
No medication is to be transported to school by a student. The punishment is severe if students are found to have medication in their possession without prior approval (i.e. inhalers with physician's orders). ALL medication must be signed into the clinic by a responsible adult.
Many times students become ill at school and warrant school personnel sending the student home. Listed below are criteria for exclusion from school:
Fever of 100 degrees or more
Persistent diarrhea/vomiting
Severe coughing causing croupy, whooping sounds
Severe wheezing or respiratory distress
Tearing, irritation, redness of the lining of the eyelid, swelling, discharge of pus, sensitivity to light.
Rash of unknown origin
Severe sore throat or difficulty swallowing
Infected areas of the skin with yellow crusty areas
Evidence of live lice and/or nits
Serious or uncontrolled bleeding or serious injury
Clinic Assistant
Clinic Phone: 804.598.8540